Date: 07-01-2019 Subject: RELEASE 10.1B DATA Manager Files These release notes pertain to the following programs or files: SUNDM.EXE 10.1B 01 Jul 2019 SUNDM64.EXE 10.1B 01 Jul 2019 SUNWSRV.DLL 10.1A 01 Feb 2019 SUNWSRV64.DLL 10.1A 01 Feb 2019 Used by SUNDM64 *============================================================================== Notes for WARNINGS: - Changes have been made for version 10.1B for the 'READ FILE (-4)' which performs read prior record operations for a text file. The changes were made to resolve unexpected behaviors when the text file contained deleted records. *============================================================================== The following files have been changed as noted: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDM - All additions and corrections applied to the 10.1B PLBWIN runtime for PL/B IO have been applied to the Data Manager. See the release notes for PL/B for details. - Corrected problems that would give indeterminate behaviors and data when performing READ FILE (-4) (i.e. read prior ) operations when the data file contained deleted records. The indeterminate behaviors included skipping records and/or hanging while repeatedly reading the same record over and over. The unexpected behaviors could exist both with and without use of FILTER(s). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------